Saturday, March 03, 2012

Interfaces - Using Bundles

Interfaces - Using Bundles

Named Bundles

The simplest form of a SystemVerilog interface is a bundled collection of variables or nets. When an interface is referenced as a port, the variables and nets in it are assumed to have ref and inout access, respectively.

The following interface example shows the basic syntax for defining, instantiating and connecting an interface. Usage of the SystemVerilog interface capability can significantly reduce the amount of code required to model port connections.

interface simple_bus; // Define the interface
logic req, gnt;
logic [7:0] addr, data;
logic [1:0] mode;
logic start, rdy;
endinterface: simple_bus
module memMod(simple_bus a, // Access the simple_bus interface
input bit clk);
logic avail;
// When memMod is instantiated in module top, a.req is the req
// signal in the sb_intf instance of the ’simple_bus’ interface
always @(posedge clk) a.gnt <= a.req & avail;
module cpuMod(simple_bus b, input bit clk);
module top;
logic clk = 0;
simple_bus sb_intf(); // Instantiate the interface
memMod mem(sb_intf, clk); // Connect the interface to the module instance
cpuMod cpu(.b(sb_intf), .clk(clk)); // Either by position or by name

Generic Modules

A module header can be created with an unspecified interface reference as a place-holder for an interface to be selected when the module itself is instantiated. The unspecified interface is referred to as a "generic" interface reference.

The following interface example shows how to specify a generic interface reference in a module definition.

module memMod (interface a, input bit clk);
module cpuMod(interface b, input bit clk);

interface simple_bus; // Define the interface
logic req, gnt;
logic [7:0] addr, data;
logic [1:0] mode;
logic start, rdy;
endinterface: simple_bus

module top;
logic clk = 0;
simple_bus sb_intf(); // Instantiate the interface
memMod mem (.a(sb_intf), .clk(clk));
cpuMod cpu (.b(sb_intf), .clk(clk));

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